Monday, January 28, 2008

Wounded Knee illustrates

I. Intro

Wounded Knee illustrates one of the final events in a long series of violent conflicts motivated by racism, disrespect and lack of understanding.

A. On the you tube video that the class watched about the massacre of Wounded Knee, several examples of disrespect were visible.
1. A monument for Native Americans had dog poop beside it which was disrespectful.
2. Many dead people were left on the ground, demonstrating how much violence occurred.

B. As discussed in Mr. Viles essay and other sources shown in class, there were many misunderstandings between the white people and the Indians which show disrespect and violence.

II. Body

A. The battle of Wounded Knee showed the white people attacking innocent Indians.

B. The U.S army took all of the weapons from the Indians.

C. The U.S army tricked the Indians when they told them to come out of where they were hiding. They said if they came out of hiding, then the army won't hurt them, but when they got out they shot and killed them all.

D. Neither side understood each other.

E. It was too hard on the Indians.

III. Conclusion

A. The massacre at Wounded Knee shows the disrespect, racism, and misunderstandings between the Army and the Native Americans.

B. In 1890 the 7th Calvary was sent to North Dakota to round up the Suez Indian tribes.

C. Chief Big foot was sick and he raised a flag of truce, but the American soldiers were ready to fight. All of the men Indians were killed, some of the women and children were injured, only about 20 survived.

D. The indians were unarmed and had surrendered but the army didn't care so they killed them.

Wounded Knee

The massacre at Wounded Knee happened in 1890. Wounded knee was not a battle it was a massacre and slaughter. Wounded Knee illustrates one of the final events in a long series of violent conflicts motivated by racism, disrespect and lack of understanding.

At Wounded Knee in North Dakota the landscapes were not very high hills and most of the lands were flat. As discussed in Mr. Vile's essay and other sources shown in class, there were many misunderstandings between the white people and the Indians which show disrespect and violence. On the you tube video that the class watched about the massacre of Wounded Knee, several examples of disrespect were visible. A monument for Native Americans had dog poop beside it which was disrespectful. Many dead people were left on the ground, demonstrating how much violence occurred. The massacre of Wounded Knee showed the white people attacking innocent Indians. Neither side understood each other.

The massacre at Wounded Knee shows the disrespect, racism, and misunderstandings between the Army and the Native Americans. In 1890 the 7th Calvary was sent to North Dakota to round up the Suez Indian tribes. The U.S army took all of the weapons from the Indians. It was too hard on the Indians to fight. Chief Big Foot was sick and he raised a flag of truce, but the American soldiers were ready to fight.The U.S army tricked the Indians when they told them to come out of where they were hiding. They said if they came out of hiding, then the army won't hurt them, but when they got out they shot and killed them all. The Indians were unarmed and had surrendered but the army didn't care so they killed them. All of the men Indians were killed, some of the women and children were injured, only about 20 survived.

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