Thursday, December 13, 2007

Esam #4, Part 2

*Propaganda and art are different than one another. Propaganda is like a bunch of posters that makes people think their own country is better than the other. Art trys to make you feel bad in weird ways. I think both Propaganda and the art is different because propaganda get you to feel good about the country and art makes you feel bad or weird. I think the art dosent show much as a good art but the propaganda is which i think is better than the art.

* The art with weird shapes compard to pictures ar much different. In the Painting it looks like a woman who has a hard time trying to take care of her child. A horse that has just gotten hurt. The bull represent spain to make spain look like they are messed up or confused. In the middle of the art drawing looks like every thing must be crazy. The art is really confusing.

*Guernica was a small spanish town that the germans bombed. It was during the spainish civil war. The germans wanted to prove that they were better and more powerful. Before the war started the germans wanted to show how mean they were or how hard the spainish people will have to work. Pablo Picasso painted this picture to show what happend to the spainish people and how bad it was. Guernica is important because the german blew up the whole town and show how aweful they were.

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