Joe Adams- Response to Literature- Mr. Viles
“Elie Wiesel”
Fifteen-year-old Elie Wiesel finds out how important it is to never give up. He lives through the horrors of Concentration Camp during World War II in 1943. Because he never gave up, he survived even though his father died. In this nonfiction book entitled “Night” by Elie Wiesel, he teaches us that you can survive anything if you don’t give up. I think this theme is important because if he did give up he be dead the first day he had gone to Concentration Camp. If I gave up when I was going though all of those troubles that I had I don’t have a clue where I’d be right now. I probably would have been in jail, dead or still be in the special hospital for teenagers. The Neals are glad that I’m with them.
In World War II, Hitler, the leader of Germany, wanted all of Europe to be Germany. He invaded parts of Europe and he was successful. He wanted to get rid of the Jewish people. Elie Wiesel was one of the Jews he tried to kill. There are many examples of how Elie didn’t give up. One of the examples is he knew that he was going to the place where Hitler was throwing the Jews into the crematory where they burn people to death. He wanted to jump on the electric fence so he wouldn’t have to suffer the flames, but he didn’t do it. He also suffered through the winters by not having enough food or clothes. He slept in the snow sometimes. He was forced to keep on running even though he was really tired and weak. Eli’s dad was old and very weak. He was sick almost all the time. Elie took care of him by giving him some of his food and helping him, and he always told his father not to give up because soon they would be free. Eli’s traits that helped him to not give up were he had faith, hope, caring, and strong minded.
The theme is to never give up. I can relate to this theme because there were some times that I felt like giving up. One of my examples is I have been through a lot of things that I could have easily giving up. It has only been eight months since I have stopped going through big trouble in school, stores, and homes because I was angry with what has happened to me in my life and all I thought of doing was getting into trouble. I had to deal with not having a family for about three and a half years since I have been in foster care, because my mother was doing drugs, not feeding me, and gave no attention to me. Now that I have changed a lot, I am not doing stuff that I was doing that were getting me into trouble because the Neals has helped me. What kept me from giving up was I wanted to live my life with a family that cares about me and I found one which are the Neals family.
I like this book because it was true and it in some ways was related to what has happened to me. The author wrote the book in a way that made me feel what he had been through. When Elie described about the boy who was hung just because he stole food, I felt hot the boy might have felt. He had been in the camp for three years and he was probably not worried about getting killed because he had been through too much. I would recommend this book to kids who are 14 years or older because they would understand this book more than the younger ones because the little kids will not really know what the book meant or means.
“Elie Wiesel”
Fifteen-year-old Elie Wiesel finds out how important it is to never give up. He lives through the horrors of Concentration Camp during World War II in 1943. Because he never gave up, he survived even though his father died. In this nonfiction book entitled “Night” by Elie Wiesel, he teaches us that you can survive anything if you don’t give up. I think this theme is important because if he did give up he be dead the first day he had gone to Concentration Camp. If I gave up when I was going though all of those troubles that I had I don’t have a clue where I’d be right now. I probably would have been in jail, dead or still be in the special hospital for teenagers. The Neals are glad that I’m with them.
In World War II, Hitler, the leader of Germany, wanted all of Europe to be Germany. He invaded parts of Europe and he was successful. He wanted to get rid of the Jewish people. Elie Wiesel was one of the Jews he tried to kill. There are many examples of how Elie didn’t give up. One of the examples is he knew that he was going to the place where Hitler was throwing the Jews into the crematory where they burn people to death. He wanted to jump on the electric fence so he wouldn’t have to suffer the flames, but he didn’t do it. He also suffered through the winters by not having enough food or clothes. He slept in the snow sometimes. He was forced to keep on running even though he was really tired and weak. Eli’s dad was old and very weak. He was sick almost all the time. Elie took care of him by giving him some of his food and helping him, and he always told his father not to give up because soon they would be free. Eli’s traits that helped him to not give up were he had faith, hope, caring, and strong minded.
The theme is to never give up. I can relate to this theme because there were some times that I felt like giving up. One of my examples is I have been through a lot of things that I could have easily giving up. It has only been eight months since I have stopped going through big trouble in school, stores, and homes because I was angry with what has happened to me in my life and all I thought of doing was getting into trouble. I had to deal with not having a family for about three and a half years since I have been in foster care, because my mother was doing drugs, not feeding me, and gave no attention to me. Now that I have changed a lot, I am not doing stuff that I was doing that were getting me into trouble because the Neals has helped me. What kept me from giving up was I wanted to live my life with a family that cares about me and I found one which are the Neals family.
I like this book because it was true and it in some ways was related to what has happened to me. The author wrote the book in a way that made me feel what he had been through. When Elie described about the boy who was hung just because he stole food, I felt hot the boy might have felt. He had been in the camp for three years and he was probably not worried about getting killed because he had been through too much. I would recommend this book to kids who are 14 years or older because they would understand this book more than the younger ones because the little kids will not really know what the book meant or means.